Welcome to   Ragu Photography / Ragu Software LLC (713) 502-0891     
Basic technical correction adjustments - typically $8

These adjustments include corrections to exposure, contrast, and white balance.  They will bring out more detail bright highlight areas and dark shadow areas.  Where necessary, we'll do digital noise reduction, and spot removal caused by dust on a sensor.

Intermediate content manipulation - typically $25

This level of retouching will include basic corrections covered by the first category.  In addition, we will be making artistic changes to the image.  These may include skin softening and blemish removal and/or wardrobe, posture or cosmetic body changes.  This category includes swapping people in similar group photos from one image into another, to get the best look for each individual in the group  It may also include cropping to improve composition, or removal of clutter that may be distracting from the main subject of your photo.

Extensive manipulation or restoration - $40+

Compositing of multiple images to form a realistic looking artistic image, or using restorative techniques to recreate an old picture that has suffered from fading and/or physical deterioration can be a very time-consuming process.  Possibilities of what can be done with an image or group of images are limited only by your imagination.  Our price quote for jobs of this nature will be based on our best estimate of the time that will be required to achieve your vision.

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